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Client Consultation Form

Please provide the information requested below. This information will only be used to determine the suitability of the treatment. All information supplied will remain confidential and stored securely.

Do you have any known allergies?
Do you have Asthma?
Do you suffer from Hayfever?
Do you suffer from Claustrphobia?
Do you have any sensitivity to light?
Have you had Chemotherapy in the last 6 months?
Are you pregnant?
Do you smoke?
Do you have any eye disorders or have previously had any operations in or around the eye?
Do you have any physical conditions or complaints that will effect your comfort when laying still for longer than one hour?
Do you have oily hair and/or skin?
Do you wear contact lenses? (If yes,these must be removed throughout treatment)
(Do you perm or tint your lashes? If so please provide the date of your last treatment)
Contra-indications (unable to perform treatment). Do you have any of the below conditions; Conjunctivitus, Stye's, Blepharitis, Cataract, Glaucoma, Chalazae, Hypersensitivity, Cuts or bruising around the eye, Iritis, Hayfever/watery eyes, Cold/Flu/Coronavirus, Implanted/permanent contact lenses.
Covid 19

In light of the current pandemic, we have implemented the necessary safety precautions to ensure the health and safety of our therapists and clients. In order to best ensure your safety and that of your therapist, please ensure that you adhere to the following safety measures;

  • Use the hand sanitizer provided upon entering the treatment room

  • Bring your own face mask and wear it throughout the appointment

  • Attend your appointment alone

  • Wear as little eye makeup as possible to reduce appointment time

  • Reschedule your appointment if you have any symptoms of covid 19 or have been in contact with anyone who has Covid 19 in the last 14 days.

Although we have taken every precaution to ensure your safety, attending the appointment is at your own risk and Loft Lashes/Hydranback Ltd accepts no responsibility if you contract covid 19/Coronavirus as a result of your appointment.  


The information that I have provided above is correct and true to the best of my knowledge. I give permission to my therapist to perform the patch test behind my ear on ON THE DAY or 24 HOURS PRIOR TO TREATMENT. I understand that they will take every precaution to minimize the risk of a reaction that may occur during my treatment. (This includes equipment and personal health, hygiene & safety)


If my patch test is clear then I am safe to go ahead with my treatment.

I understand that despite a patch test showing a clear result, I could still react to a full set of lash extensions. On the rare occasion of this happening, I will not hold my therapist or Loft Lashes (Hydranback Ltd) responsible and I will inform them ASAP. My therapist will assist me in this case and will offer a free removal (if safe to do so) after a careful assessment of the extensions and eye area.


Scheduled appointments canceled last minute (24 hours or less prior) will result in a loss of earnings for your therapist as the appointment scheduled cannot be rebooked in such short space of time. In this case you will be charged the full amount to cover the loss of earnings and time.

PATCH TEST - Your treatment your therapist to perform requires patch test behind the ear. The test must be performed on the day of treatment or 24 hours prior to the treatment. Please indicate which you prefer (patch tests performed 24 hours before treatment will require a time slot to be arranged with your therapist)

Thanks for submitting!

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